The CES supports POS fiscalization over a third-party service: fiskaly.
You can read more about the fiskaly API infrastructure here.
fiskaly Sign (KassensichV)
The fiskaly sign API is a RESTful API that implements a cloud-based, virtual TSS (Technical Security System) / TSE (Technische Sicherheitseinrichtung) as defined by the German KassenSichV (Kassensicherungsverordnung).
It is used for signing POS transactions and thus generating signatures for printed receipts.
The fiskaly DSFinV-K API is a RESTful API that can be used for automated DSFinV-K generation.
This API processes cash point closings which include all signed transactions in the captured period. This data can then be transformed and exported to match digital audit requirements of tax offices.
Dedicated archiving of the data processed by Fiskaly can be setup using the platforms data pipelines.