Discount Restriction API

For more details about this API usage check our API documentation


The Discount Restriction API has endpoints for adding, getting, updating, and deleting discount restrictions


  • Have an authenticated token from the authentication service, this token should be used as an authorization bearer token header for every request done in this API (more information about the authorization service here).

Retrieve all restrictions

This endpoint is for getting all discount restriction that are created. To get all discount reasons, make GET request to /discountrestrictions. As a response, you will get a list of discount restriction.

Example response:

"refDataName": "Mitarbeiter-ID-Nummer",
"refDataValue": "ABC123",
"reason": "Lost ID card",
"apiResponseStatus": {}

Create restriction

To create a new discount restriction, make a POST request to /discountrestrictions. You need to provide a body with refDataName, refDataValue and reason.

Example request body:

"refDataName": "Mitarbeiter-ID-Nummer",
"refDataValue": "ABC123",
"reason": "Lost ID card"

As a response you will get the new created discount restriction.

Example response:

"refDataName": "Mitarbeiter-ID-Nummer",
"refDataValue": "ABC123",
"reason": "Lost ID card"

Delete restriction

To delete a existing discount restriction, make a DELETE request to /discountrestrictions/{refDataName}/{refDataValue}. Make sure you are providing a valid refDataName and refDataValue.