Technical Description

Payment service short description

The payment service main functionality is to track the payments done for a cart. When a cart has all articles desired by the customer the next stage is to proceed to pay it. For this, the cash register application sends requests to the payment service where it can paid using a series of supported payment methods, these are: cash, pinpad, telecash, sozialschein and loyalty. A cart can be paid with one or many of the supported payment methods, once is paid in full amount a receipt can be created for the purchase transaction. The service also supports refund payments, these are done when processing a payment for a refund cart, the payments are recorded with a negative amount.

The service communicates with the giftcard service when it processes payments with loyalty payment method, it only redeems payments from a giftcard once the cart involved in the transaction is completely paid.

The service exchanges asynchronous messages using Rabbitmq with the cart service, it sends an async message to the cart service when a cart is fully paid to update its status in the cart service. It also receives async messages from the cart service when a cart is discarded, so it can revert the payments done to the discarded cart.


Details of the endpoints provided by this service can be found here.


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  • spring-boot-starter-test: Starter for testing Spring Boot applications with libraries including JUnit Jupiter, Hamcrest and Mockito.